West Point Honors Alumni Professor Jon Deason

April 26, 2023

Professor Jon Deason

Professor and co-Director of the Environmental & Energy Management Institute, Jon Deason, was recently honored by his undergraduate alma mater with a “Serve With Integrity Award.” In October 2021, the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, began granting the “Serve With Integrity Award” to members of its 1970 class who have performed exceptional service to the Nation, the Military, West Point, or the class. Since then, 58 awards have been given with Professor Deason being the most recent. 

“It is gratifying to see that some of the work we are doing here at GW to prepare the world’s future leaders has been recognized by one of our Nation’s premier leadership-oriented institutions,” Deason said.

West Point honored Deason with this citation: “Jonathan Deason (F-4) distinguished himself through exceptional service to the Army, the Nation, and his community. He retired as a colonel from the USAR while filling the position of Reserve Chief of Staff, Army Corps of Engineers. As one of the nation’s leading environmental engineers, he significantly contributed to the water quality and accessibility across the nation while in the Department of the Interior. His efforts resulted in his promotion to the Director of Environmental Policy and Compliance. He then joined George Washington University to pass on his skills to the next generation. In 2015, was appointed Director of the Environmental and Energy Management Institute. Jon is a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers, has authored over 150 professional papers on the environment and energy, chaired over two dozen national and international conferences, been appointed to over a dozen Federal and international government committees, and served as the academic advisor to 31 doctoral graduates. He has also served as President, Washington Area Roadsters, a non-profit organization to promote safe and enjoyable skating for inner city youths in Washington D.C.”