A presentation by Professor Joe Cascio will be delivered by Mr. Erik Puskar, Group Leader, Standards Services, the National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) at the October 12 workshop of the International Conference on Education of Standards (ICES). The conference is arranged by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in Frankfurt, Germany. The presentation will cover the educational content of international, voluntary consensus standards in the GW graduate certificate program in environmental and energy systems management. The GW Environmental and Energy Management Institute, which Prof. Cascio co-directs with Prof. Jonathan Deason, was the recipient in 2014 of a $75,000 award from the NIST Standards Services Curricula Development Cooperative Agreement Program. That award funded the creation of one of the two courses devoted to standards, EMSE 6992-80: Global Connections: Standards in Technology, Business, and Public Policy.
A presentation by Professor Cascio will be delivered by Mr. Puskar to the National Institutes of Standards and Technology
October 12, 2016