NSF-backed AI Institute Aims to Foster Trust in AI Systems

May 4, 2023

UMD Professors Hal Dumé (Left) and Katie Shelton

UMD Professors Hal Duamé III (Left) and Katie Shilton (Courtesy Photo)

In the article "With NSF support, a group of tech and policy experts teamed up to build more trustworthy AI," Technical.ly highlighted the new National Science Foundation (NSF)-backed center, the Institute for Trustworthy AI in Law & Society (TRAILS), which is a joint effort between the University of Maryland (UMD), George Washington University (GWU), Morgan State University, and Cornell University to develop AI in a way that promotes trust and mitigates risk. 

Here is an excerpt from the article: “Given the fact that AI is becoming more and more a part of our life, there’s always the possibility and there are concerns that these technologies are being used in a way that’s opaque, that’s not clear, to the people who are using them or who are being affected by them,” Broniatowski said. “And as a result, people don’t trust them and won’t trust them.”

Read the full article on Technical.ly.