Academic Support Services
SEAS provides free academic assistance to all undergraduate SEAS students in a range of introductory and engineering-specific courses. Some of the resources offered are PAL Study Halls and Academic Commons. Read more about each type below.
Comments, questions, or concerns? Contact
- Academic Commons
The Academic Commons is a “one-stop shop” for academic resources and services across the university coordinated by GW Libraries and Academic Innovation. Academic Commons connects you to academic support for your Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Biology and other subject area needs through multiple types of support, such as individual peer tutoring, drop-in sessions, and weekly reviews. You can also connect with research and statistical consulting, study skills resources, research opportunities, and much more.
Academic Commons programs will be conducted remotely throughout the virtual learning period.
Course Offering Highlights:
Biological Sciences Chemistry Mathematics Physics - BISC 1112
- BISC 2213
- CHEM 1111
- CHEM 1112
- CHEM 2151
- CHEM 3165
- MATH 1231
- MATH 1232
- PHYS 1011
- PHYS 1021
Additionally, checkout the many workshops that will help you develop your data and software skills.
- PAL Study Halls
Our Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) Study Halls provide academic support by major through carefully selected core engineering and computer science courses taught during your freshman, sophomore, and junior year. These study halls allow you to clarify new concepts, practice example problems, and review difficult readings with the help of our PALs. Bring your notes, your textbooks, and your friends!
- ACM Computer Science Study Hall
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) hosts a weekly study hall offering help in multiple computer science related courses. The schedule is as follows:
2-4 PM
Tompkins 402Courses Covered - CSCI 1111
- CSCI 1112
- CSCI 1121
- CSCI 1311
- CSCI 2113
- CSCI 2312
- CSCI 2441
- CSCI 2461
- CSCI 2541
- CSCI 3410
- Undergraduate Teaching and Learning Assistant Program
In addition, several courses in SEAS have dedicated Learning Assistants (LAs) and/or Undergraduate Teaching Assistants (UTAs) that hold weekly office hours intended to assist students with learning the content of their respective course.
Interested in becoming a LA or UTA? Apply here.
- SEAS Together Tutoring
The SEAS Together Volunteer Tutoring Program aims to assist first year students with questions by providing a peer tutor in the following courses:
BISC 1111 (Biology: Cells and Molecules)
CHEM 1111 (General Chemistry I)
CHEM 1112 (General Chemistry II)
MATH 1220 (Pre-Calculus with Calculus I)
MATH 1231 (Calculus I)
MATH 1232 (Calculus 2)
MATH 2233 (Multivariable Calculus)
PHYS 1021 (University Physics I)
PHYS 1022 (University Physics II)
CSCI 1111 (Introduction to Software Development)
Writing and Scientific WritingIf you would like to request a tutor, please fill out this form or send us an email at
If you are interested in volunteering to be one of our peer tutors, please complete this form.
- University Writing Center
The University Writing Center offers members of the GW community opportunities to receive dedicated attention to their writing and research projects at all stages of the writing process. Their trained writing consultants work with writers from the first-year college experience up through post-doctorate and faculty levels. Rather than providing proofreading and editing, the Writing Center works to help the people who come through our doors strengthen their abilities as writers and to become stronger editors of their own work.
Click here to learn more about services offered.
Click here to schedule a free appointment. - Tompkins Takeover
Tompkins Takeover is an annual study break event hosted by SEAS during the start of finals week. Students come to Tompkins Hall for coffee, donuts, conversation, and 24 hour access to study rooms and computer labs.
Dates and specific event information will be updated later in the semester.
- Academic Support Strategies for Finals
Midterm and finals seasons are typically stressful times during the semester. Below are some tips to make this finals season go a little smoother!
[Eating right, getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and exercising are all ways to relieve stress or help lessen the amount of stress experienced during midterm/finals season. Relaxing your mind through meditation is also a helpful tool to de-stress. Here are some resources to help figure out what works best for you!
From University of Arizona: Smart Study Snacks
From Harvard University: Mindfulness Meditation
From Ace Fit: Home Workout Ideas: No Equipment Necessary!
Start Studying Early
Cramming works for some students, but it is generally not a great approach to preparing for exams and can be stress and anxiety inducing. Instead, try to plan ahead and prepare materials to study early on so studying the week of or night before the exam will not be as intense. In addition, study groups (even virtual ones) with your peers can help clarify course material and reduce stress while being in a supportive environment.
From Claremont Mckenna College: Final Exam Preparation Tips
Remember to Take Study Breaks
Whether it is getting fresh air and a walk outdoors, watching an episode of your favorite TV show, or virtually hanging out with your friends, breaks in between long study sessions are imperative to de-stress and make the most of your study time.