GW Engineering Courses Recognized as Equivalent to INCOSE Certification Knowledge Exams

June 11, 2024

Professor Zoe Szajnfarber with a student

In the article “New Academic Equivalency Agreement with George Washington University,” the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) announced that select courses at The George Washington University (GWU) are now recognized as equivalent to the certification knowledge exam for Associate Systems Engineering Professional (ASEP) and Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) certification. Students excelling in these courses can bypass the exam, as their coursework assessments are accepted as an equivalent alternative to INCOSE’s standardized test.

Here is an excerpt from the article: “Dr. Shahram Sarkani, Professor of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering and Faculty Advisory and Academic Director of Online Engineering Programs at GWU, stated: “GWU has a distinguished history of preparing Systems Engineering professionals, particularly for roles in the defense industry, catering primarily to adult learners working with federal government contractors. We are pleased to enhance our educational offerings by enabling students to obtain INCOSE certifications as ASEP or CSEP alongside their degrees. This addition not only complements their graduate education but also significantly boosts their career prospects in the industry, a development that has been met with great enthusiasm by our students.”

Read the full article on the INCOSE website.