In the article “Brigade engineer celebrates National Engineers Week, Army’s 250th birthday,” the U.S. Army highlights Kevis Hovis, an engineer with the 405th Army Field Support Brigade, who is planning activities to celebrate theis year's National Engineers Week. Hovis holds a professional degree in systems engineering from GW Engineering and has also worked as an engineer in the U.S. Marine Corps and Department of the Navy.
Here is an excerpt from the article: “When working for the Marine Corps, Hovis said he would meet with students at a local middle school during STEM Week. There he would talk to students about what engineers do, why education is important, and how understanding things like three-dimensional calculus and the highest levels of math are critical to the construction of bridges, buildings, and other facilities and structures. National Engineers Week is well worth emphasizing, Hovis added. Highlighting the achievements of Army engineers, engaging with educational and community groups, and participating in various STEM outreach programs and events is extremely important.”
Read the full article on the U.S. Army website.