Sevket C. Ozcanli

For nearly 30 years, Dr. Sevket Ozcanli has been perfecting and expanding upon his understanding of mechanical engineering. This dedication to systems along with almost 20 years of managing experience and a solid networking track record set him apart as a person of strict professional standards who possesses keen emotional intelligence. Over the years, he has consistently displayed these personal characteristics.
After obtaining a degree in mechanical engineering from Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, in 1978, he moved on to gain a post-graduate diploma from the Von Karman İnstitute of Fluid Dynamics, Brussels, Belgium, in 1979 and then a PhD in mechanical engineering – focusing on thermal power – from Cranfield Institute of Technology, U.K. in 1984
He began his professional career in 1985 at an industrial boiler manufacturer, as a production planning engineer. One year later he moved on to become the Manager of a 50-people metal heat treatment company, in 1989. Then moved to an IT company, where he served for ten years as the regional manager.
In 1999, a 500+ people axle manufacturing company with $ 80 million annual turnover, invited Dr. Ozcanli to be their vice president for operations. A year later, he became the chief operating officer(CEO) of a 250 people automotive clutch manufacturer, where he stayed for five years until starting his own consulting company, Kaltek Engineering.
Kaltek provides engineering, research and development (R&D), R&D project management and product development services to various manufacturing companies including the automotive industry. Over the last ten years, Kaltek served about 50 small to large size manufacturing companies in manufacturing industries.
Dr. Ozcanli’s most noteworthy career trends and accomplishments so far include the following:
During 1986-1989 he enlarged the scope of the company’s commercial heat treatment services to include supplying of heat treatment furnaces. He designed and commissioned the manufacturing of such furnaces to meet the needs of automotive parts manufacturers. This resulted in a 30% increase in the turnover of the company. He played a lead role in creating a joint venture company,
During 1999-2000, he initiated an export agreement with ArvinMeritor Inc in the US to supply drive axle housing under an extremely aggressive timetable.
During 2000-2005, he increased productivity by implementing a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system as well as Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and Lean Manufacturing techniques; increased customer base for export from 35 companies to 43 companies, resulting in 140% increase in turnover over the five-year period. He achieved these results without any major increase in capital equipment or number of employees. During the process, he also implemented a revolutionary bonus scheme for the company employees.
Dr.Ozcanli taught ‘Organizational Behavior’,’Research Methodologies’ ,’Negoation Techniques’ courses in the Engineering Management Department and ‘Manufacturing Processes’, ‘Manufacturing Engineering’,‘Fluid Mechanics I and II’, ‘Thermodynamics I and II’,’ Automotive Engineering ‘ courses in the Mechanical Engineering Department, Izmir Institute of Technology between 1999 and 2015.
Since January 2017 Dr.Ozcanli is teaching graduate courses as an adjunct professor at The George Washington University, Department of Engineering Management & Systems Engineering, Washington, DC.
Ph.D., School of Mechanical Engineering, Cranfield Institute of Technology (Cranfield University) UK, 1984.
- Management of technical organizations.
- R&D project management
- Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP certified Master Practitioner)