Eric Dano

Eric Dano
Associate Professor of Practice
Professor Eric Dano comes from over 25 years in the defense industry with his primary focus on improving the practice of system architecture for complex engineered systems. Prior to industry, Professor Dano served as an Electronics Countermeasures Officer in the United States Marine Corps, flying in the EA-6B Prowler. His research interests include the introduction of system thinking principles into undergraduate education, defining data exchanges to tie together various domain models for assessing architectural alternatives, implementation of model-based engineering, and the use of system optimization techniques to assess system modularity, resiliency, supportability or other desired system attributes over the system lifecycle.
- B.S., Physics, United States Naval Academy, 1987
- M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan, 1995
- Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan, 1997
- Cert., System Architecture, University of Sothern California, 2018
System Architecture
Systems Engineering Process
Open architecture standards
RF and mixed format military systems
Direction finding and geolocation
E. Dano, “Introducing System Thinking Techniques into an Undergraduate Engineering Education,” Proceedings INCOSE IS2022, Detroit, MI., June 2022.
E. Dano, “System Architecture, the Missing Piece of Engineering Education,” Proceedings of the ASEE Middle Atlantic Section 2021 Spring Conference, Apr. 2021.
E. Dano, “A Genetic Algorithm Approach to Direction Finding Array Antenna Placement on Platforms,” Proceedings IEEE AMTA 2020 Conference, Nov. 2020.
E. Dano, “A Case Study on the Architectural Development of a Transceiver Assembly,” Proceedings IEEE ISSE-2019, Edinburgh, UK, Oct. 2019.
E. Dano, “Importance of Reuse and Modularity in System Architecture,” Proceedings IEEE ISSE-2019, Edinburgh, UK, Oct. 2019.
E. Dano, H. Wisneski, “A Proposed Engineering Training Framework and Competency Methodology,” Proceedings NDIA 20th Annual Systems Engineering Conference, Springfield, VA., October 2017.
E. Dano, D. Lyzenga, M. Perlin, “Radar Backscatter from Mechanically Generated Transient Breaking Waves – Part I: Angle of Incidence Dependence,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 2, April 2001.
E. Dano, D. Lyzenga, G. Meadows, L. Meadows, H. Van Sumeren, R. Onstott, “Radar Backscatter from Mechanically Generated Transient Breaking Waves – Part II: Azimuthal and Grazing Angle Dependence,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 2, April 2001.
H. Espedal, O. Johannessen, J. Johannessen, E. Dano, D. Lyzenga, J. Knulst, “COASTWATCH’95: ERS 1/2 SAR Detection of Natural Film on the Ocean Surface,” J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 103, No. C11, PAGES 24,969–24,982, 1998
E. Dano, D. W. Kletzli, “Low Cost CW Scatterometers for Field and Laboratory Use,” Proceedings IEEE NATRAD-96, Ann Arbor, MI., May 1996.
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) – Mid-Atlantic Section (MAS), Industry Liaison – 2021 to present
IEEE System Architecture Committee – 2021 to Present
Vice President/President/BoD Chair - INCOSE New England Chapter – 2019 to present
Senior Member IEEE – 2019 to present
IEEE International Symposium on SE (ISSE), System Architecture Conference Chair - 2019
INCOSE System Architecture and Resilience Working Groups – 2018 to present
National Defense Industry Association (NDIA) System Architecture Committee – 2018 to present
President USNA Chapter of Physics Honor Society (SPS) - 1986 - 1987